Tháng 11 2023
Implementation of the E-cigarette Ban in India: Findings from Key Informant Interviews

On December 5, 2019, both houses of the Indian Parliament and the President passed the Prohibition of E-cigarettes Act (PECA) 2019. Although the restrictions under the ban were implemented starting December 2019, e-cigarettes remain available and accessible to consumers in the Indian market. A 2023 study found that approximately 10% of young adult participants (n=840) reported current e-cigarette use and indicated that common sources for accessing e-cigarettes included retail outlets and/or their social networks (friends and siblings). Other research suggests that adults who smoke and use e-cigarettes are commonly purchasing devices from tobacco or grocery stores and websites, while a smaller proportion access e-cigarettes through peers or street vendors.
From February through May 2023, we conducted semi-structured key informant interviews with 16 participants involved in the development and implementation of the ban. Key informants fell into one of the following categories at the time the interviews were conducted: Government Officials/enforcers, Civil Society Organizations, Researchers or Tobacco Vendors. This research brief summarizes these conversations to provide insight into strategies to enhance compliance and reduce e-cigarette availability across India.