августа 2023

The Sale and Marketing of Cigarettes, E-cigarettes, and Heated Tobacco Products Near Schools in the Philippines

HTP and cigarette banner ads displayed outside a retail location in Metro Manila

Current regulations on cigarettes, e-cigarettes, and heated tobacco products (HTPs) in the Philippines prohibit sales, displays, advertisements, and promotions within 100 meters of schools. IGTC conducted an observational study in urban and rural areas of nine cities/regions in the Philippines to monitor the sale and marketing of cigarettes, e-cigarettes, and HTPs, and assess compliance with current legislation.

This fact sheet (available in English and Tagalog) summarizes the findings and recommends a comprehensive ban on tobacco advertising, promotion, and sponsorship (TAPS) at points of sale (POS) in the Philippines which can reduce youth initiation of tobacco use and encourage people who use tobacco to quit. A supplementary resource page (added April 2024) provides additional data on compliance within 100 meters of schools.

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A new study in the Philippines monitored the sale and marketing of #cigarettes #ecigarettes and #HTPs at tobacco and nicotine product retailers within 200 meters of schools to assess their compliance with regulations prohibiting sales, displays, advertisements, and promotions of such products. The facts support a stricter ban and stronger enforcement: https://globaltobaccocontrol.org/resources/sale-and-marketing-cigarettes-e-cigarettes-and-heated-tobacco-products-near-schools

A study in the Philippines monitored sales/marketing of #cigarettes #ecigarettes & #HTPs within 200m of schools to assess compliance with regulations prohibiting sales, displays, ads & promotions of such products. The facts support a strictly enforced ban: https://globaltobaccocontrol.org/resources/sale-and-marketing-cigarettes-e-cigarettes-and-heated-tobacco-products-near-schools