SRNT 2025

IGTC Presentations at the Society for Research on Nicotine & Tobacco Annual Meeting

March 12-15 at New Orleans

SRNT’s Annual Meeting is the leading scientific forum for the latest nicotine and tobacco research. Over four days, more than 1,400 international attendees attended plenary lectures, paper sessions and symposia, and multiple scientific poster sessions. 

Members of the IGTC team will present a wide range of research during the annual meeting. The name before each poster indicates the study's lead author.

See a photo gallery from the conference.

Thursday, March 13

Poster Session 1: 11:45 AM – 1:15 PM | Churchill (Level 2)
Raniyan Zaman: Assessing responses to price and cigarette packaging changes in the Philippines among people who smoke. Poster presentation.
Reiley Hartmuller: Tobacco Pack Surveillance System (TPackSS): Developing a codebook for e-cigarette design features and marketing appeals. Poster presentation.
Jennifer Brown: Nicotine specifications on e-cigarette packaging in Indonesia. Poster presentation.
Qinghua Nian: Still widespread: Tobacco sales and marketing at points of sale near schools in China. Poster presentation.

Poster Session 2: 5:15 PM - 6:45 PM | Churchill (Level 2) 
Hannah Barker: Marketing appeals on Indonesian e-cigarette packaging. Poster presentation.
Qinghua Nian: Co-use of nicotine products and cannabis and its association with ENDS dependence among U.S. adults who frequently use ENDS. Poster presentation.

Friday, March 14

Policy/Public Health Theme Plenary: 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM | Grand Ballroom B (Level 1)
Joanna Cohen: Packaged to persuade: Building the scientific case for plain and standardized packaging for all tobacco products

Poster Session 3: 11:45 AM - 1:15 PM | Churchill (Level 2) 
Zhehan Wang: Cigarette cards on YouTube: Tobacco marketing insights. Poster presentation.

Poster Session 4: 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM | Churchill (Level 2) 
Jeffrey Hardesty: Association between cooling descriptors and device/liquid combinations among adults who frequently use ENDS. Poster presentation.
Jennifer Brown: Marketing on e-cigarette and HTP brand social media in the Philippines and Vietnam. Poster presentation.

Saturday, March 15

Podium Presentation 6: Rapids 3 (RAP 3): 9:45 AM - 11:15 AM | Salon 7-10 (Level 1) 
Emma Walker: Geocoordinate data visualization of tobacco litter in urban outdoor environments: A pilot study in Guangzhou, China

Poster Session 5: 11:15 AM - 12:45 PM | Churchill (Level 2) 
Qinghua Nian: China’s cigarette health warning labels still behind other countries: Design and branding issues on packs. Poster presentation.
Jeffrey Hardesty: Indications of compliance with India’s e-cigarette ban 5 years after implementation: A pilot study in Delhi. Poster presentation.
Hannah Barker: E-cigarette health warning labels: Perceptions of harm and attractiveness among Filipino youth. Poster presentation.
Tuo-Yen Tseng: Perceptions of e-cigarette flavors among Filipino youth. Poster presentation.
Reiley Hartmuller: Online marketing of e-cigarettes and heated tobacco products on retailer websites in Vietnam. Poster presentation.
Tuo-Yen Tseng: Tobacco advertising and display at points of sale in 7 Mexican cities. Poster presentation.
Raniyan Zaman: Ideal standard pack shape for bidis sold in India: Learnings from key informants. Poster presentation.