SRNT 2023

SRNT 2023 – San Antonio  (all times are Central Standard Time)

Thursday, 10 am (Presentation)

Lauren Czaplicki: “Teenagers will certainly be curious” - Chinese high-school students’ perceptions of the intended audience and influence of tobacco marketing in China (PPS1-5 – Salon D)

Thursday, 11:30 am (Posters)

Lauren Czaplicki talking with a participant about her poster at the SRNT 2023 conference
Lauren Czaplicki talks with a participant about her poster at the SRNT 2023 Annual Meeting.

Josh Sinamo: Interactive data visualization: a case study from ENDS research (POS01-35)
Jeff Hardesty: Factors associated with changes in ENDS dependence: Findings from waves 2 and 3 of the VAPER study (POS01-38)
Bekir Kaplan: Quantification of risks and benefits associated with ENDS by assessing their impact on tobacco use transitions in the U.S. (POS1-52)
Lauren Czaplicki: Ecological momentary assessment of tobacco marketing exposure among Chinese adolescents (POS01-120)
Bela Amalia: A plethora of brand variants flooding a kretek-dominated market: Findings from the Tobacco Pack Surveillance System in Indonesia, 2022 (POS01-122)

Bela Amalia stands by her poster during the 2023 SRNT Annual Meeting.
Bela Amalia stands by her poster during the 2023 SRNT Annual Meeting.

Thursday, 3 pm (Presentations)

Tuo-Yen Tseng: Capsule cigarette sales in Mexico, 2018-2021 (PPS5-4 – Salon E)
Meagan Robichaud: How the news media discusses nicotine pouches in low- and middle-income markets (PPS7-4 – Salon D)

Alena Madar shares her poster during a session at the SRNT Annual Meeting.
Alena Madar shares her poster during a session at the SRNT Annual Meeting.

Thursday, 4:30 pm (Posters)

Michelle Duren: Approaches to nicotine pouch regulation around the globe (POS02-33)
Grazi Grilo/Ryan Kennedy/Alena Madar: Assessing tobacco waste as a form of post-consumption marketing through an observational study in Kolkata, India (POS02-36)
Bela Amalia: What tobacco-related policy violations does the public complain about? An assessment of violation reports on a mobile-based application in Jakarta (POS02-44)
Bekir Kaplan: Assessing ENDS device type accurately in surveys (POS02-68)
Jenny Brown: Cigarette, e-cigarette, and heated tobacco product marketing at points of sale in 10 cities in Vietnam (POS02-121)
Jeff Hardesty: Quantity and type of ENDS devices used in the past week and the percentage of puffs from their most used device: Findings from Wave 4 of the VAPER study (POS02-123)

Jeff Hardesty talks about his research at the SRNT Annual Meeting
Jeff Hardesty talks about his research at the SRNT Annual Meeting.
Lara Atella speaks during her presentation at the SRNT Annual Meeting.
Lara Atella speaks during her presentation at the SRNT Annual Meeting.

Friday, 8:30 am (Presentations)

Lauren Czaplicki: Effects of cigarette price and packaging on quit-smoking behavior: Results from a discrete choice analysis among Vietnamese adult smokers (PPS14-4 – Conference Room 1)
Lara Atella: Prevalence of policies requiring health warning labels on electronic nicotine delivery systems and heated tobacco products around the globe (PPS14-5 – Conference Room 1)
Les Hagan: Creating the Global Tobacco Control Progress Hub (RAP2 - Salon M)

Friday, 11:30 am (Posters)

Lizzie Crespi: What are the device and liquid characteristics used with sweet, menthol/mint, and tobacco ends liquid flavors: Results from the population-based VAPER study (POS3-53)
Bekir Kaplan: Exposure to metals among electronic nicotine delivery system (ends) users in the path study: A longitudinal analysis (POS3-57)
Ryan Kennedy: Assessing and classifying tobacco waste in urban outdoor environments in Kolkata, India (POS3-63)
Hannah Barker: Factors associated with COVID-19 related quit attempts among adult smokers in Vietnam (POS3-71)
Lara Atella: Nature and extent of country-level policies regulating flavors in electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS) (POS03-127)

Ryan Kennedy talks about his research at the SRNT Annual Meeting.
Ryan Kennedy talks about his research at the SRNT Annual Meeting.

Friday, 4:45 pm (Posters)

Ryan Kennedy: Country-level policies regulating nicotine strength and liquid volumes for electronic nicotine delivery systems (POS4-41)
Qinghua Nian: Transitions in device and liquid characteristic groupings among U.S. adults who use ENDS frequently over 3 timepoints, 2020-2021 (POS4-45)
Hannah Barker: Exposure to and appeal of tobacco ads and displays in China: A qualitative exploration of perceptions among Chinese youth (POS4-46)
Tuo-Yen Tseng: Trends and patterns in cigarette sales by major manufacturers in Mexico (POS4-52)
Jenny Brown: The effects and implications of the COVID-19 pandemic on behaviors and perceptions of young Indonesian who smoke (POS04-132)
Alena Madar: Observed tobacco product waste near schools in Kolkata, India (POS04-134)    

Saturday, 8 am (Presentation)

Alena Madar presents her work at the SRNT Annual Meeting
Alena Madar presents her work at the SRNT Annual Meeting.

Alena Madar: Tobacco companies’ creation of additional communication space: a content analysis of inserts and onserts on cigarette packs (PPS23-6 – Salon D)

Saturday, 11 am (Posters)

Meagan Robichaud: Global policies regulating electronic non-nicotine delivery systems (ENNDS) (POS05-41)
Michelle Duren: Review of country-level policies regulating online e-cigarette sales (POS05-49)
Grazi Grilo/Kate Smith: Health warning label compliance in Mexico: Tobacco industry exploiting strong legislation (POS05-56)
Josh Sinamo: The relationship between PG/VG and other liquid characteristics among adults frequently using refillable ENDS: Findings from VAPER wave 3 survey (POS05-86)
Lizzie Crespi: A case study in optimizing retention of U.S. adult ENDS users in longitudinal online surveys – exploring different incentive structures (POS05-87)